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Choose a higher level
of EL solutions.

Ellevation empowers teachers, administrators and ELs with the only system designed to go beyond compliance and impact instruction. With greater access to information and effective measurement, Ellevation creates a higher level of accountability, helping everyone reach their highest potential.

Why Ellevation

Get everything you need in one end-to-end solution.

Data & Instructional Planning

Ensure that the key data & program information needed to meet diverse program requirements are in one convenient place - not multiple spreadsheets, folders, and complicated data platforms.

Professional Development

Empower teachers of every subject and grade to differentiate instruction for ELs with skill and confidence while engaging all students in sound pedagogical practices.

Funding Ellevation

More than 1,700 districts across the U.S. successfully implemented Ellevation using funding and grants like Title I, II, and III grants and professional development funds.

EL Coordinators
EL Specialists
Curriculum + Instruction

Address the needs of your ELs with confidence

With accountability for ELs now measured at the school level, it’s more important than ever for school principals to have the tools they need to make better decisions. Ellevation allows all educators and administrators to store and analyze EL data all in one platform.

If you have good solid instruction with your ELs, it’s going to impact the entire campus. Ellevation has helped with that.
Don Hernandez, Principal, Sam Houston Middle School

Differentiate instruction with skill and confidence

With Ellevation, teachers can do more of what they love – teaching. It’s easy to incorporate research-based instructional activities into any existing lesson to skillfully differentiate instruction for English learners. The platform also supports access to EL data, team-wide collaboration, and professional development initiatives.

My confidence has really grown in how to differentiate instruction for them. Next year, I hope I have more ELLs in my classes.
Tyler Chambers, 7th Grade Teacher
EL Coordinators
EL Coordinators

Less time on compliance, more time on instruction

Ellevation reduces time spent on administrative tasks by more than 70%. Coordinators unify EL data sources, monitor student progress, generate reports for stakeholders, and more with a click of a button. The result: More time to focus on EL instruction and running a high-performance program.

Ellevation makes our job easier! As a department, we use it every day to review information at the campuses and determine how we can best support both teachers and kids.
Deb Tietjen, Coordinator
EL Specialists
EL Specialists

Your voice, in every classroom

Every day, specialists make important EL decisions, ranging from program placements to service adjustments, testing and instructional accommodations, goal setting, exit decisions, and more. With Ellevation, this information can be recorded quickly and easily allowing every specialist to focus on teaching, not on paperwork.

I love sharing the useful and user-friendly Ellevation strategies with my colleagues as well as using them in my own ELL classes! When a teacher needs some support or even has a question, Ellevation provides us with the help we need.
Diana West, ESOL Specialist, Rome City Schools
Curriculum + Instruction
Curriculum + Instruction

All teachers can be teachers of language

Ellevation gives your schools the tools needed to differentiate instruction for each and every EL. Our digital platform saves school districts time offering a full range of reporting and compliance capability, in addition to providing over 80 classroom activities authored by the country’s top language acquisition experts, including Dr. Jeff Zwiers, Dr. Jana Echevarria and Dr. Tim Boals.

What I love about Ellevation is that it starts to get you thinking about what supports students need, not this idea that everybody needs the same support. It takes some of the guessing out of that for teachers.
Jana Beth Francis, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Daviess County Public Schools

Ellevation – a Curriculum Associates company – proudly works with leading data and assessment organizations.

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See the future of your EL program today.

Ellevation’s web-based software platform is designed to make EL administrators and educators more productive, collaborative, and effective. Find out how automated EL program management, reporting, and compliance can help educators focus their time on instruction.

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