Back to Basics Isn't Boring With Jana Echevarria

Back to Basics Isn't Boring With Jana Echevarria
Shiny Objects
Research and technology have impacted education in a variety of ways. From classroom instruction to professional development, educators are equipped with constantly evolving options in the way they approach improving their craft. As numbers of English learners increase, teachers are turning to tools that they hope will enhance their lessons in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
But how much is too much? When is a good time to take a step back and reflect on what has always worked in education? While it is easy to become focused on the next “shiny object” that promises instructional success, there are basic tenets that should continue to serve as guideposts on every educator’s journey through the school year.
Taking a Step Back
We spoke with Dr. Jana Echevarria, Professor Emerita at California State University, Long Beach and co-author of the highly regarded book, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model about how a back to basics approach in language education might be part of a recipe for success in language education.
Listen and Learn
- Learn about strategies to help you grow as a reflective practitioner.
- Apply a back to basics approach to stay grounded in your practice.
- Find out what the research says about a variety of instructional practices.
- Maintain the critical balance between structure and agency.
Engage More Deeply
- Listen to our full conversation with Dr. Jana Echevarria on Highest Aspirations.
- Read a full transcription of our conversation.
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