Common funding options

Find funding resources to support your EL program management and professional learning needs.

Our solutions support the growing needs of more than 2.5 million multilingual learners. Districts across the nation use Title I, II, III, and IV to drive effective EL instructional practices and develop higher levels of student achievement.

Most EL teams that invest in Ellevation use Title III funds. Learn about common funding options here, and know that you can count on us to help find the right fit for your EL program.

Federal funding

Supplement multilingual initiatives with Ellevation

Federal formula or Title grants are non-competitive; each state receives a portion of the funding based on a formula. States in turn pass the funding on to local districts and schools.

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Federal funding

Supports educational programs for students from low-income families

Ellevation supports Title I activities, including school-wide reform to provide students with access to effective, research-based instructional strategies and robust academic content. This support aims to ensure all children meet challenging state academic standards and close educational achievement gaps.

Discover how Ellevation supports Title I activities and find helpful language for funding justifications.

Maximize Title I Funds with Ellevation

Title I district grant application assistance

Strengthens the quality of teachers, principals, and additional school leaders through supplemental activities

Title II funds leveraged with Ellevation help districts strengthen systems of support. These funds should be used to increase student achievement, improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers and leaders, increase the number of effective teachers and leaders, and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective and experienced teachers and leaders.

Discover how Ellevation Strategies supports Title II activities and find helpful language for funding justifications.

Title II, Part A: District grant application assistance

Ensures that English learners (ELs) and immigrant students attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English

Ellevation supports Title III activities, which includes ensuring that ELs and immigrant students attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement by providing educators with effective instructional strategies to use in their classroom.

Discover how Ellevation supports Title III activities and find helpful language for funding justifications.

Title III, Part A: District grant application assistance

Improves students’ academic achievement by providing all students with access to a well-rounded education

Ellevation Strategies empowers teachers to differentiate instruction for ELs with skill and confidence while engaging all students in sound pedagogical practices. Title IV, Part A funds aim to address the language-related readiness shortfalls inherent for EL students. These funds also aim to increase student academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, local education agencies (LEAs), schools, and communities through access to excellent education, school conditions, and technology like software applications.

Discover how Ellevation supports Title IV, Part A activities and find helpful language for funding justifications.

Title IV, Part A: District grant application assistance

Competitive grants

Unlock more EL program funding

Competitive grants can bring new funding to your district or school. Grants fund a specific program or project and are awarded through a rigorous and selective application process. Competitive grants require meeting eligibility criteria, and submitted proposals are evaluated by a review committee that makes final funding decisions.

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Competitive grants

Additional funding

Leverage extra resources to support Ellevation

Other sources to fund Ellevation Platform + Strategies could include technology funds, BEA, bilingual, dual language, school bonds, and general budget resources.


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Additional funding

See Ellevation in action

Schedule a consultation with our expert team to explore the ways Ellevation meets your district’s EL needs.


“Having Title III budget available for Ellevation has been the single most effective thing that we have done for all teachers since we started getting it from the state.”

Tracey Waid
Title III coordinator and Director of secondary instruction at Mooresville Graded School District, NC
