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All-in-One EL Solution

Ellevation is a mission-driven education technology (EdTech) company dedicated to helping English Learners (ELs) achieve their highest aspirations. We are an indispensable partner to school district administrators, teachers and students across the United States, who use our products to manage complex program requirements, build the capacity of teachers to serve multilingual learners, and empower students with the academic language necessary for success in school. Ellevation is the only EL program management solution that goes beyond compliance and impacts instruction in every classroom. We currently serve 1,700+ partner districts and support 2.5 million students across the nation, in every state.

Learn more about our Products

Ellevation Platform   Ellevation Strategies

Greater visibility. Increased accountability. Effective measurement.

Disparate student data sources, assessment results and program decisions must be analyzed every day. EL educators need confidence that they can access this information quickly and easily so they can perform their jobs at a high level. Ellevation makes the process of understanding EL students, and their data, straightforward and actionable to district stakeholders - all in one convenient place. When key information is accessible by everyone, from the district office to the principal’s office, EL educators can create a culture of accountability where everyone is responsible for student success.

Empower teachers with skill and confidence to effectively differentiate instruction for ELs.

Our best-practice instructional strategies and activities, developed in collaboration with leading academic minds in the field such as Jana Echevarria, Tim Boals, Jeff Zwiers and John Seidlitz, support teachers in their instructional planning. Ellevation takes aim at prevailing PD models that are comprised of 1-day workshops, and instead provides districts with sustained, job-embedded, results-oriented professional development.

Learn more about our Solutions

Data & Instructional Planning   Teacher Capacity

Engage and inspire every English Learner.

Imagine a classroom where linguistically diverse students are raising their hands and engaging their peers in academic conversation. Ellevation has been developed to provide the data you need to make the right instructional decisions at the right time, offer resources to help classroom teachers effectively differentiate instruction for ELs, and prepare ELs to access rigorous, grade level content.