An exciting transition

An exciting transition
An exciting transition
A message from our co-founder and CEO Jordan Meranus to our Ellevation community
After 15 years as the co-founder and CEO, I am excited to share with you that Marion Kennedy Amos will be the next CEO of Ellevation effective March 1, 2025!
I won't be going far. I'll be transitioning into the role of Senior Advisor where I'll continue to be involved in strategic initiatives, external partnerships and supporting Marion and our Leadership team throughout the transition and beyond.
Over the years I have often said that I want “to win in the 9th inning” not in the 3rd, a reflection of the long term impact I believe we have an obligation to pursue. This has been my north star. I am always thinking about what we need to do to win for years to come. To continue to drive impact for a generation, remain indispensable for educators, and serve an increasing number of the nation’s ELs, Ellevation needs a great leader, outstanding Leadership team, and talented and passionate team members working towards a common mission. Right now, we have all three, which gives me the confidence to move into a different role.
Marion has been with Ellevation for more than a decade. She is a strategic leader with a deep understanding of the educators and districts we serve. As a former teacher with incredible passion for ELs, Marion has shaped how we connect with school districts, respond to their needs, and create solutions that empower all in the communities we serve. Marion has built high-performing and diverse teams while fostering a strong, mission-driven culture. Her work has always been driven by a simple but profound belief: when educators have the right tools and support, students can thrive. Marion cares deeply about culture, and I am convinced that she will maintain what is special about Ellevation and find ways to enhance and improve what we do. I could not be more pleased that Marion, an accomplished leader and great person who is respected and admired by our team and customers alike, will move into the CEO role.

A look back
I started working with children while in college. I was a counselor at a residential camp for children with special needs, many who were abused and neglected. I decided then to devote my life to serving children in need. Soon after college I worked with 3 others to start Jumpstart to provide intensive intervention for low-income preschool children around the country.
Through Jumpstart I learned that there is nothing like working with an extraordinary group of people over a long period of time to drive meaningful change for others. I am sure many of you know the Margaret Mead quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” “Change the world” is a bit grandiose for me. But I am absolutely certain that a small group of passionate and committed team members can improve the lives of others, and have fun along the way.
In 2010 Teddy Rice and I, along with our mentor and friend Chris Gabrieli, started to talk seriously about starting an education company that could support the growth and success of English learners. As Teddy and I learned more we were absolutely convinced that a new organization focused on English learners was badly needed. Luckily at that time we were introduced to Carrie Hill, the founder of ESL Innovations, who taught us a great deal and helped us deeply understand the challenges that EL educators experience. It was crystal clear that ELs had incredible promise yet faced extraordinary barriers, and that something must be done to ensure educators could develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to best meet the needs of these students.
As we were considering how to move ahead, Teddy, Carrie and I attended a TESOL conference in Richmond Virginia and organized a focus group comprised of EL Administrators. We had a very emotional conversation with participants about the challenges they faced in serving ELs. One administrator cried as she shared how each year she watched ELs with great promise move further toward the back of the classroom over the course of the year. Teachers struggled to reach them; these students were discouraged; and educators often felt hopeless. We left there very clear about the need to support educators and convinced we could build an important company. Amazingly, 15 years later, this Coordinator is now a long-time customer and Ellevation is one of the main ways she is making sure that the teachers in her districts are prepared for their work with ELs.
I have now spent almost 15 years starting and leading Ellevation. When Teddy and I first partnered with Carrie and ESL Innovations in 2011, we were serving a few thousand students in about 40 small school districts mainly in North Carolina. Over these 15 years we have expanded to serve half of all ELs in US schools, hired and worked with hundreds of incredible team members, and had the honor of serving and partnering with extraordinary educators in every state in the country. Over that time we never wavered in our commitment to students, the critical role played by teachers, the importance of culture, and our commitment to our values.
It is amazing to have the opportunity to start and scale a mission-focused organization with incredible people for a second time. To say I am lucky is insufficient. I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the work I have been able to do with our team, the educators we serve, Carrie, our investors, Rob Waldron, Kelly Sia, and the Curriculum Associates team, and especially Teddy Rice. Teddy is brilliant, incredibly fun, strategic, and a complement for my strengths and weaknesses. I simply cannot imagine a better partner. Working with all of you, and so many others over the years, to build and grow Ellevation has been the opportunity of a lifetime.
Please feel free to call or email me with any thoughts or questions.