Empowering educators to serve dually identified ELs

Empowering educators to serve dually identified ELs
Empowering educators to serve dually identified ELs
Important note: While Ellevation does not offer solutions specifically for dually identified students, it is a valuable resource for districts focused on supporting the diverse needs of their multilingual learners.
As part of our mission to help English learners (ELs) achieve their highest aspirations, we deeply value the rich diversity that EL subgroups bring to the classroom. This commitment extends to supporting educators as they navigate the complexities of serving dually identified EL students. Through tools that simplify data-driven decisions, foster cross-team collaboration, and improve professional learning, Ellevation empowers educators to meet the individual needs of all their learners.
Understanding the specialized needs of dually identified ELs
Supporting dually identified English learners puts educators in the unique position of bridging both linguistic barriers and diverse learning needs. This work requires a holistic understanding of each student’s level of proficiency in their home language and lived experiences. It demands an asset-based approach that values what dually identified EL students bring to the classroom while facing barriers like unorganized resources, inaccurate data, and communication gaps across teams.
To better support both language and learning needs, educators need resources that provide meaningful context, especially when comparing a student’s progress to peers with similar experiences and backgrounds. By reviewing the progress of students who share the same level of home language proficiency, years in the school system, and other contextual factors, educators can truly assess their students’ progress consistently. Educators also need a way to collaborate across teams – drawing on the expertise of all stakeholders to ensure that every student’s strengths are fully understood and developed.
Tools that make a difference
Ellevation provides EL teams with powerful tools that simplify collaboration, centralize data, and deliver actionable insights.
How Ellevation can help: Bridging content and language for EL success
Ellevation Strategies offers ready-to-use scaffolding resources so that learners can simultaneously process content and language. They help educators gain a deeper understanding of the specific needs of their EL students, enabling them to tailor support based on current language proficiency levels.

As educators engage with EL-focused professional learning modules, they can develop a clear mental model for what's expected in a typical English language proficiency journey. Having access to this knowledge boosts teacher confidence, which ultimately helps educators more effectively support the diversity of their students’ needs.
How Ellevation can help: Making equitable, data-driven decisions
Ellevation Platform provides EL teams with the ability to comprehensively view important student data, which plays a key role in serving all learners equitably.
By using Dashboards and Forms, cross-departmental teams can easily collect and review real-time data to document and monitor progress for all their ELs in one centralized place. Individual Student Profiles ensure educators can learn more about where ELs are at and what next steps might be. They can:
- See what EL programs and services a student is receiving
- View specific classroom modifications and testing accommodations
- Use the Notes tab to leave detailed information about the student, like observations and effective scaffolding strategies
- Track linguistic and learning goals for the student in the Goals tab
Key evidence-based data points – like standardized test and language proficiency progress, assessment accommodations, and classroom modifications – can help educators notice essential patterns, communicate with multiple stakeholders, and ensure that services are meeting each student's needs. By making reliable data simple to visualize and collect, educators have the opportunity to make better informed decisions, especially when combined with processes like the critical data process.
At Ellevation, we are dedicated to supporting educators as they navigate serving dually identified English learners. Through valuable student data and EL-focused PD modules, Ellevation enables educators to oversee progress equitably, make informed decisions, and - most importantly - guide students on their path to success.
Help your ELs reach their highest aspirations
Improve EL program management, elevate instruction, and achieve student outcomes – all in one powerful solution.