Look for the Helpers

Look for the Helpers
First, we’d like to acknowledge the unprecedented impact the current COVID-19 situation is having on our schools and communities. It’s heartbreaking that the widespread school closures, though understandable in the current health environment, will make it difficult for students to access the many services and relationships their schools provide.
What we at Ellevation worry about most is the impact that school closures and other disruptions will have on our English Learners. We know that you are some of the most trusted and important people in these students’ lives. So how might we best support educators as they guide their students through this challenging time?
When faced with adversity, Mr. Rogers encouraged children to look for the helpers -- the people who come to the aid of others in trying times. The ELL Community is stronger together and there are undoubtedly those among us who wish to help, just as there are those who would appreciate hearing from others.
If you’d like to share what you are doing to help support students and their families during this crisis, or just share your own story, we’d love to hear from you. We’ll share as many stories as we can on the Highest Aspirations podcast so we can support each other remotely until we can come together again. If you’d like to participate, take 2 minutes to fill out this form. Here are some of the stories we have already shared:
Now more than ever, thanks for all you do!