Time to complete:
Summer 2022 Reading List for Educators of ELs

Time to complete:
Summer 2022 Reading List for Educators of ELs
If you’ve been listening to the Highest Aspirations podcast all season, you probably have a precariously tall stack of books in your “to read” pile that have come recommended by our guests. Summer can be an excellent time to tackle the list - so we are giving you our top recommended reads from this season. Let us know your favorite from our Summer 2022 Reading List!
- Title: Breaking the Sound Barrier by Gianfranco Conti and Steve Smith
- Recommended by: Natalia Heckman, Educational Consultant
- Episode: S8/E2: Internalizing Academic Vocabulary and Increasing Student Engagement
- Title: The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life by Shawn Achor*
- Recommended by: Dr. Wesley Sever, Superintendent
- Episode: S8/E3: Using Guided Reading Strategies to Support English Learners
*Also recommended by John Seidlitz during his episode
- Title: Advancing Equity in Dual Language Programs: A Guide for Education
- Recommended by: Authors Mariana Castro and Silvia Romero-Johnson
- Episode: S8/E1: Advancing Equity in Professional Learning for Educators of Multilingual Learners
- Title: 7 Steps to a Language Rich Classroom by John Seidlitz and Bill Perryman
- Recommended by: Marcy Voss
- Episode: S8/E5: Identifying and Supporting Gifted and Talented ELs
- Title: The Leavers by Lisa Ko
- Recommended by: Dr. Joanna Dreby, Ph.D. and Professor of Sociology
- Episode: S8/E6: Sociologist’s Perspective: Challenges that US Born Children of Immigrants Face
- Title: Tongue Tied: The Lives of Multilingual Children in Public Education by Otto Santa Ana
- Recommended by: Dr. Kathy Escamilla, Professor of Education
- Episode: S8/E8: Why Decoding Isn’t Enough for Literacy - The Path Toward Comprehension
- Title: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
- Recommended by: John Seidlitz, Author and Founder of Seidlitz Education
- Episode: S8/E9: An Inside Look into the 7 Steps of a Language Rich Classroom
- Title: Galileo: A Life by James Jr. Reston
- Recommended by: Dr. Jack Naglieri, Ph.D, Senior Research Scientist
- Episode: S8/E12: Redesigning Intelligence Tests for Equity
- Title: No BS (Bad Stats) by Ivory Toldson
- Recommended by: Tanji Reed Marshall, Ph.D., Director of P-12 Policy and Practice at Ed Trust
- Episode: S8/E10: The Role of Teacher Identity in Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Title: Supermarket by Bobby Hall, AKA Logic
- Recommended by: Shreya Rohatgi, Student and former EL
- Episode: Meet 2021 Scholarship Recipient Shreya Rohatgi
If you have a favorite book that you want to add to this list, tweet us your recommendation at @EllevationEd and we will share it with our community of multilingual educators. We hope everyone has a restful and safe summer!