Ellevation in Indiana

Ellevation in Indiana
A better way to manage English Learner (EL) programs
“Ellevation has allowed us to really change how we run our EL program, and we’re now holding our department to higher expectations. I now have the freedom to address pedagogical issues because I’m not worrying about data requirements, home language surveys, placement tests and parent notification letters. With Ellevation making those processes so much simpler and more efficient, my team and I can spend more time thinking about instruction and how we can better support these students.”
Brenda Ward – Lafayette Schools
“Ellevation has everything a district needs - it’s not just about data or individualized language plans (ILPs), but it actually helps classroom teachers differentiate instruction for ELs with instructional strategies and techniques paired with student data. Ellevation does such a good job with the data and compliance matters that teachers can focus more on instruction on a daily basis. We need to do what’s best for kids and that’s what Ellevation helps us do. Data has never been the problem. We have tons of data. Ellevation shows us how to look at the data in the right way and what to do with it.”
Angela Rasor – Avon Community Schools
“My job as a Director is much easier in so many ways by being able to see all of my student data in one place, look at teacher utilization, get the ILPs created, and mass print parent notification letters in a variety of languages. Ellevation allows our teachers to spend much less time on the administrative aspects of their job, and more time on instruction. It’s hard for me to say how much time it’s saving my teachers, but it’s exponential. With that time savings my teachers are spending more time collaborating with other teachers and planning instruction for ELs. As for me, I’m able to focus on things other than satisfying the compliance requirements of having EL students and more time on PD and managing instruction in the classroom.”
Teresa Knoblauch – East Allen County Schools