Highest Aspirations - Reflecting and Looking Ahead

Highest Aspirations - Reflecting and Looking Ahead
Season 1 of Highest Aspirations is wrapping up! Here is a reflection of our journey so far and a sneak peek of our plans for Season 2.
By the numbers, we have released 30 episodes adding up to a total of 17 hours and 26 minutes of content. We have brought in 30 guests representing a wide variety of roles and perspectives, including teachers, students, school leaders, authors, researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and more.
Looking ahead to Season 2, we have a remarkable lineup of guests cued up. We won’t reveal any names, but here are some clues: think SIOP, academic conversations, interpretation services, enrichment experiences to build empathy, and of course, practical strategies that you can use tomorrow.
Stay informed and inspired over the holiday break with all our Season 1 episodes - available here or wherever you listen to podcasts. And don’t forget to join the ELL Community for quick access to newsletters, blog posts, and video resources.
Have a great holiday and we’ll see you in 2019!
Steve and the Ellevation Team