S1/E18: ELs with disabilities - Dr. Sara Kangas

S1/E18: ELs with disabilities - Dr. Sara Kangas
How are schools accommodating English Language Learners with disabilities? What are some of the common challenges when working with these students and how might we overcome them? What impacts do EL and disability status have on reclassification or exiting? We discuss these questions and much more with Dr. Sara Kangas of Lehigh University.
As an applied linguist, Dr. Kangas researches the educational experiences of English learners (ELs) with disabilities. Focusing on K-12 contexts, she is particularly interested in understanding how schools can create learning environments that support both the linguistic and academic needs of these learners. Dr. Kangas’ research also examines how educational equity for ELs with disabilities intersects with language policies and institutional structures.
"Every student with a disability can and should learn a language while maintaining their home language."
During our conversation, we referenced the following resources:
- Dr. Sara Kangas - Professional Website
- Dr. Sara Kangas - Lehigh University faculty website
- Don't Underestimate, Shortchange ELLs With Disabilities, Researcher Argues, Education Week
- Why Do English Language Learners Struggle With Reading?, by Janette K. Klingner, John J. Hoover, and Leonard M. Baca
- Dear Colleague Letter - January 7, 2015, Department of Justice and Department of Education