Understanding English learner needs through the Critical Data Process with Steve Gill

Understanding English learner needs through the Critical Data Process with Steve Gill
English learners with special needs often face significant barriers to accessing appropriate support in schools, and accurate identification is critical to their success. Steve Gill, a seasoned educator, school psychologist, and consultant with over 15 years of experience, joins Highest Aspirations to discuss the ELL Critical Data Process—a framework designed to guide teams in evaluating and supporting dually identified students. Drawing from his extensive work with thousands of educators and school districts across the U.S., Gill shares his journey from recognizing the gaps in his own training to developing a system that prioritizes context, collaboration, and equity.
In this episode, Steve Gill delves into the complexities of identifying special education needs among English learners and the importance of viewing students through an asset-based lens. He highlights the value of building diverse evaluation teams, leveraging localized data, and fostering high expectations for all students. Whether you're an educator, school psychologist, or administrator, this conversation offers practical strategies for refining assessment practices, addressing systemic challenges, and ensuring that every student receives the support they need to thrive.
Listen to the full episode here, and find resources referenced in the conversation below.
Key questions we address:
- How can educators effectively use the Critical Data Process to differentiate between language acquisition challenges and potential disabilities in English learners?
- What role do expectations, context, and collaboration play in creating equitable evaluations and interventions for dually identified students?
- How can schools and districts adapt their systems to better support language learners and ensure accurate identification of their needs?
For additional episode and community resources:
- Download the transcript here.
- Visit Steve Gill’s website
- Steve Gill’s book on language acquisition
- Steve Gill’s book Let’s Talk
- For additional free resources geared toward supporting English learners, visit our blog
- To expand your connection within the Ellevation community by join our Ellevation Educator Facebook Group.
Steve Gill is an experienced educator, school psychologist, and consultant who has dedicated his career to improving outcomes for English learners and students with special needs. With over 15 years of consulting experience, Steve has trained more than 23,000 educators across the U.S. and worked with professionals in 14 countries. His extensive career includes roles in gifted education, counseling, coaching, and developing innovative frameworks like the Critical Data Process—a tool designed to guide equitable evaluations for dually identified students.
Steve is also a prolific author, having co-authored 10 books, which reflect his passion for education, creativity, and practical solutions. Through his work, Steve continues to empower educators with strategies that foster equity, leverage data, and focus on the strengths of every student.