What is Working in Multilingual Education with Dr. Margarita Calderón: Part 2
What is Working in Multilingual Education with Dr. Margarita Calderón: Part 2
On this episode of Highest Aspirations, we bring you part 2 of our 2 part series with Dr. Margarita Calderón. Over the course of our 27 minute conversation, we discuss the following questions:
- How does Exc-ELL help teachers better serve their English learners and Dual language learners?
- How do we go about coaching others when observing classrooms and how does using observation protocols help administrators understand what teaching vocabulary, reading comprehension, and other strategies look like?
- How might we create a culture of giving and receiving feedback?
Plus, we come back to the Seal of Biliteracy to ask how all this work might help more students access it. For more information on Dr. Calderón's expansive work, check out the show notes on Part 1.
Connect with Dr. Calderón:
- Visit Dr. Calderón's website at ExC-ELL.com
- Email Dr. Calderón at mecalde@gmail.com
- Connect with Dr. Calderón on Twitter - @caldeex
During the episode, Dr. Calderón mentioned the following books and resources:
- Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice, by Robert E. Slavin
- Models of Teaching, by Bruce Joyce
- The Evolution of Peer Coaching, by Beverly Showers and Bruce Joyce
- The Carnegie Corporation of New York