Time to complete: 58:38

Building bridges: Strengthening connections with families of newcomers to achieve academic success with Yvonne Williams and Amy King | IMPACT 2024

Time to complete: 58:38

Building bridges: Strengthening connections with families of newcomers to achieve academic success with Yvonne Williams and Amy King | IMPACT 2024

This session was originally presented at IMPACT 2024, a free virtual conference by Ellevation. Visit our videos page for other session recordings from the conference.

Engaging families of students identified as Newcomers is critical to their success in school and beyond. This session explores effective strategies for building strong relationships between schools and families of ELL students, focusing on the unique needs of Newcomer families. Grounded in recent research, this presentation will highlight best practices, culturally responsive approaches, and tools that educators and administrators can use to enhance communication and collaboration with Newcomer families. Participants will leave with actionable insights to create more inclusive, supportive learning environments.

Session resources:
