Time to complete: 55:54

Supporting multilingual students from trauma-affected backgrounds: Top 5 actionable strategies with Elise White Díaz | IMPACT 2024

Time to complete: 55:54

Supporting multilingual students from trauma-affected backgrounds: Top 5 actionable strategies with Elise White Díaz | IMPACT 2024

This session was originally presented at IMPACT 2024, a free virtual conference by Ellevation. Visit our videos page for other session recordings from the conference.

The impacts of trauma on education are well-documented: students who have experienced trauma are two and a half times more likely to fail a grade, score lower on standardized tests, and struggle with receptive and expressive language skills (Wolpow et al., 2009). This challenge is particularly significant for our culturally and linguistically diverse students, with the added obstacle of identifying the effects of trauma across language and culture. Our educators need specialized instruction to recognize and support multilingual students who come from trauma-affected backgrounds. This workshop offers five evidence-based, practical strategies to meet the needs of students from hard places and amplify their language development. These strategies are designed to integrate seamlessly into teachers' daily practice, and have demonstrated significant advances in multilingual student achievement.

Access the session slides here.
