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How Ellevation supports valuing the linguistic and cultural identities of ELs

Valuing the cultural and linguistic identities of MLs gradient cover image
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How Ellevation supports valuing the linguistic and cultural identities of ELs

How Ellevation supports valuing the linguistic and cultural identities of ELs

What if the key to unlocking every student’s full potential wasn’t just in the curriculum we teach, but in ways we value and highlight the languages and cultures they bring? English learners offer a wealth of linguistic and cultural diversity, and it is crucial as educators to foster environments that embrace these assets.

When we recognize and celebrate the diverse backgrounds of our students, we are validating their identities and experiences, helping them feel a sense of belonging and confidence. This can enhance student engagement, motivation, and overall academic success. When multilingual learners see their home languages and cultures reflected in their education, they develop stronger cognitive skills, deeper critical thinking abilities, and greater resilience in learning new concepts. Additionally, this asset-based approach benefits entire classrooms and communities through promoting cross-cultural understanding and expanding our world views.

Our team at Ellevation greatly values embracing the linguistic and cultural identities of English learners - and we are offering a number of opportunities and tools to empower California educators to reimagine or improve their approach. We are excited to be sponsoring the 50th annual CABE Conference, where the theme of Honoring our Past, Embracing our Future offers the perfect opportunity to highlight how we honor a variety of backgrounds and cultures while looking ahead at building school environments that celebrate diversity and student identity.

Upcoming session at CABE

Sandra Medrano-Arroyo, our own National Director of Multilingual Learner Success who brings years of experience as a multilingual educator and administrator, is hosting a presentation at the upcoming CABE 2025 conference titled Valuing the Linguistic and Cultural Identities of Multilingual Learners. Her session will be directly tied to the current challenges and needs of educators across California and the diverse population of students they serve.

When multilingual students participate in learning that connects to their personal experiences, they develop an understanding and appreciation of both their own identities and those of their peers. They strengthen their own cultural identities while recognizing the importance of being part of a culturally diverse learning environment.”

Sandra Medrano-Arroyo
National Director of Multilingual Learner Success

Through thoughtful discussion, opportunities for guided reflection, and hands-on application of activities designed to celebrate students’ identities and lived experiences, educators will walk away with a deeper understanding of how to foster welcoming and inclusive learning environments. Check the conference app to stay up to date with session info!

ELD-aligned modules and activities to promote multilingualism

Session attendees will have the chance to walk through and use two Ellevation activities - but we have an entire catalogue of Ellevation Strategies modules that have been created by experts to foster multilingualism and diverse identities in the classroom.

Educators can leverage a number of our modules to build a deeper understanding of the significance and value of the cultural and linguistic assets of their students. They also have the opportunity to apply these learnings through the activities provided, and reflect on the impact these changes have on their English learners.

Plus, we’ve updated our entire module library to align to California’s ELD standards, language assessments, and the EL Roadmap so that EL administrators can incorporate Ellevation Strategies into their professional learning programs. We’ve also incorporated California-specific data points into the module dashboards and insights to help educators better interpret and act on ELPAC test data.

Ellevation Strategies modules focusing on cultural and linguistic identity

Come to our booth #411 during CABE to learn more about how Ellevation supports California educators, and join our session Valuing the Linguistic and Cultural Identities of Multilingual Learners in the Long Beach Convention Center, Room 201B on March 26th from 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM.  We look forward to seeing you there!

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