Time to complete: 0:45

Hear from our Partners: Ellevation Strategies

Time to complete: 0:45

Hear from our Partners: Ellevation Strategies

Hear from our Partners how Ellevation Platform has empowered their educators, streamlined communications, and improved outcomes for ELs.

“Having the students really be there [in the modules] as well to show who needs light support, moderate support, or any type of support that really helps teachers to not feel like ‘I have to go do something extra,’ because it's already right there for them. And it really does engage the students because a lot of the activities there are where students are working together, being able to use the language, develop the language, and collaborate with others...The more we are able to provide something for teachers like Strategies, the more they feel supported.”

-Ana Harrison, English Learner Teacher on Assignment, Ontario-Montclair School District

“Across the country, teachers are getting PD that feels like ‘one more thing’. These modules don't feel that way...When we started using them, you could see the teachers grow in their confidence to talk about what they were doing in the classroom with each other. We just gained those skills month after month - you can see that efficacy build, that ‘I can do this. I can be a good EL teacher."

-Stacie Williamson, Principal at Canyon Elementary, Cache County School District

Learn more about our professional development modules.
