Impact 2021: Assessment in Multiple Languages: Where Do Multiple Languages Fit? with Dr. Margo Gottlieb
Impact 2021: Assessment in Multiple Languages: Where Do Multiple Languages Fit? with Dr. Margo Gottlieb
If classroom assessment is indistinguishable from instruction and multiple languages are synonymous with multilingual learners, doesn’t it make sense that multilingual learners should have access to the use of their multiple languages throughout the assessment process? This session offers teachers and school leaders opportunities to contemplate dilemmas associated with assessment in multiple languages with the intent of leveraging the linguistic and cultural assets of multilingual learners as part of their assessment practices.
The second annual Impact Conference is a free virtual event that took place on December 6th, 7th, and 9th and featured experts in supporting the needs of multilingual learners. Impact is an opportunity for classroom teachers and administrators, curriculum and instruction specialists, education advocates, policymakers, and more to join in a community of professional learning with the common goal of furthering progress in multilingual education. Learn more about our presenters below and watch all the recorded sessions on our Community Page.
Session Resources:
- Check out Dr. Gottlieb's book on Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages
- Listen to her two part Highest Aspirations series on assessment
- Read this blog post featuring her strategies for creating a more equitable classroom environment
- Find articles by Dr. Gottlieb on CAL (Center for Applied Linguistics)
- Follow her on Twitter
Presenter Dr. Margo Gottlieb is the co-founder and lead developer for WIDA at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Starting her career as an elementary school teacher and bilingual coordinator, she served as the longstanding director of assessment and evaluation at the Illinois Resource Center. In addition, she has been a Fulbright Senior Specialist in Santiago, Chile. In recent years, Margo’s scholarship has focused on designing language development standards frameworks, co-constructing linguistically and culturally sustainable curriculum, promoting student agency through assessment as, for, and of learning, and evaluating language education policy in K-12 settings.