Impact 2021: Engaging English Learners in Mathematical Thinking through Reasoning Routines with Grace Kelemanik and Amy Lucenta
Impact 2021: Engaging English Learners in Mathematical Thinking through Reasoning Routines with Grace Kelemanik and Amy Lucenta
In this session, Grace and Amy share how reasoning routines - and the essential teaching strategies woven throughout them - support English Language learners to develop and communicate their mathematical thinking with increased precision. In addition, they share strategies for leaders and administrators to support teachers in this work.
The second annual Impact Conference is a free virtual event that took place on December 6th, 7th, and 9th and featured experts in supporting the needs of multilingual learners. Impact is an opportunity for classroom teachers and administrators, curriculum and instruction specialists, education advocates, policymakers, and more to join in a community of professional learning with the common goal of furthering progress in multilingual education. Learn more about our presenters and their session resources below and watch all the recorded sessions on our Community Page.
Session Resources:
- View their session presentation deck
- Find more webinars, podcasts and classroom resources on their website
- Purchase a copy of their book, Routines for Reasoning: Fostering Mathematical Practices in All Students
- Listen to their interview on Highest Aspirations (two part series) here
Presenter Amy Lucenta, co-founder of Fostering Math Practices, has extensive K-12 mathematics experience with a focus on developing mathematical practices in all students, particularly in historically marginalized students. A former middle school and high school teacher and elementary math coach, Amy has also worked with pre-service teachers as a secondary mathematics Clinical Teacher Educator for the Boston Teacher Residency Program. Amy is the co-author of Teaching for Thinking: Fostering Mathematical Teaching Practices through Reasoning Routines and Routines for Reasoning: Fostering Mathematical Practices in All Students, along with Grace. Follow Amy on Twitter @AmyLucenta
Presenter Grace Kelemanik, co-founder of Fostering Math Practices, is a former urban high school mathematics teacher and Project Director at Education Development Center. Grace has also worked extensively with new and preservice teachers through the Boston Teacher Residency program. She is a mathematics education consultant and professional development provider. Follow Grace on Twitter @GraceKelemanik