The Ellevation Scholarship: Applications Now Open

The Ellevation Scholarship: Applications Now Open
Update: 2022 EL Scholarship Application ≫ Click Here
In 2017, we created the Ellevation Scholarship to support our mission of maximizing impact for English Learners. In the years since, we’ve awarded $20,000 to ten students across the country to help them pursue a higher education and reach their highest aspirations.
We are now happy to announce that applications for the 2020 Ellevation Scholarship are open!
The Ellevation Scholarship awards five (5) $2,000 scholarships to deserving English Learner students, for a total of $10,000 in awards.

For more information on requirements, deadlines, and the application, click here.
Past winners have come from 6 different states, and have gone onto study a variety of fields, including English, biomedical engineering, and accounting. Want to learn more about our past scholarship winners? Get to know them and their stories with the following blog and podcasts:
- Hear 2019 winner Melany Quintero discuss her journey to Dartmouth
- Listen to 2019 winner Paola Martinez's advice for students, teachers, and more
- Hear from 2018 winner Maria Perez about the profound influence of Don Quijote.
- Read about all of our 2018 scholarship winners
We can't wait to read your applications!